At 8 weeks. I could take her anywhere at this age. She just went into a little bag, poking her head out, impressing people (girls especially).
Category | All |
Taken | March 29, 2005 |
Uploaded | April 20, 2019 |

Here is an example of hunting down your heroes, and they turn out to be wonderful. Armed with a Strawberry pie, I got the security guard to call them up and come down to the lobby. The creator of Beaking Bad, Vince said he would have me up but for all the notes on the wall for Better Call Saul. Which is a show he created with Peter Gould, whom Alice immediately liked. If you work in this building, you know immediately where it is. KROQ used to be in the neighborhood.
Album | Everything Album |
Category | All |
Taken | May 10, 2016 |
Uploaded | February 10, 2019 |

My beast friend led by her nose through the Pasadena Arroyo. We pretty much go everywhere together. Not always here, but we walk from 1/2-mile to 1 1/2 miles a day. Lots of phots of Alice coming. In 2019, she was diagnosed with grade 1 fibrosarcoma.
Album | Everything Album |
Category | All |
Uploaded | January 15, 2019 |